Pobierz TinkerOS
Pobierz TinkerOS TinkerOS ISO Image
Pobierz TinkerOS TinkerOS ISO Image
Web site: www.tommowalker.co.uk/snem.html (not active) Category: Emulators Platform: Windows, DOS License: unknown (open-source) Interface: GUI Wikipedia: First release: August 2, 2002 SNem – a Nintendo SNES emulator for 32 bit MS Windows platfor…
Web site: www.ertos.nicta.com.au (not active) Origin: Australia Category: embedded Desktop environment: CLI Architecture: x86, ARM, MIPS Based on: Independent Wikipedia: Wombat Media: Install The last version | Released: | 2011 (?) Wo…
Została wydana nowa wersja Ubuntu 24.10 o nazwie kodowej „Oracular Oriole”. Ubuntu to dystrybucja Linuksa typu live, powstała na bazie
Poniższe zestawienie systemów operacyjnych jest poświęcone najbardziej popularnym systemom operacyjnym z rodziny Linux, BSD, Solaris, AROS, DOS oraz innym, niezależnym,
Web site: contao.org Category: Network Subcategory: Content Management System Platform: Cross-platform License: GNU LGPL Interface: Web-interface Wikipedia: First release: 2006 Contao (previous name: TYPOlight) – an open-source, free CMS that all…
There is a new application available for Sparkers: Floorp Browser What is Floorp Browser? A Browser built for keeping the Open, Private and Sustainable Web alive. Based on Mozilla Firefox. Floorp Browser is a free and open-source project. Goals: – Strong Tracking Protection – Flexible Layout – Customizable Design – Regular Updates – No User … Read more
Web site: Category: Games Sub-Category: RPG Platform: Nintendo NES/Game Boy License: Proprietary Interface: GUI Wikipedia: Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves First release: 1991 Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves – an action-adventure, role-playing video g…
Web site: zonbu.com (not active) Origin: USA Category: Desktop Desktop environment: Xfce Architecture: x86 Based on: Gentoo Wikipedia: Zonbu Media: Install The last version | Released: build 1445 | 2008 Zonbu OS – a Gentoo-based Linux d…
Theo de Raadt poinformował o wydaniu nowej wersji OpenBSD 7.6. OpenBSD jest uniksowym, niezależnym systemem operacyjnym z rodziny BSD. Projekt